  • Esaurito
    • Gel ad azione lenitiva, dona sollievo rapido in presenza di dolori muscolari;
    • L’artiglio del diavolo è particolarmente attivo soprattutto nelle situazioni che causano dolore e infiammazione;
    • Non macchia e non unge la pelle;
    • Senza Parabeni, senza Nickel, senza Glutine, senza Allergeni, senza SLS e SLES;
    • Contiene – tra gli altri ingredienti – Estratto di Artiglio del DiavoloEstratto di Camomilla e Pantenolo.
    • ORGANIC product suitable for delicate, dry, chapped, irritated or inflamed skin. Ideal for daily use.
    • Paraben Free- without Nickel, Gluten , no allergens, no SLS and SLES.
    • Content-Aloe Vera Gel, and  Olive Oil from a certified organic source
  • Esaurito
    • An ORGANIC beard balm that is particularly indicated for use the first weeks of beard and moustache growth.
    • It reduces the itching typical of early hair growth;
    • Do not rinse out
    • Paraben Free- without Nickel, Gluten , no allergens, no SLS and SLES.
    • Content-Aloe Vera Gel, Eucalyptus Essential Oil from a certified organic source and Sunflower Oil.
    • ORGANIC product ideal to help counteract brown spots and to prevent their formation;
    • It improves skin tone and makes it smoother and brighter; It counteracts the factors that aggravate an excessive melanin production.
    • Paraben Free- without Nickel, Gluten , no allergens, no SLS and SLES
    • Content-Sweet Almond Oil, from a certified organic source, Extract of Red Vine and Kojico Acid.