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    COLIN is a substance that belongs to the group of vitamins, also known as vitamin J. It is a significant organic component as it has an antioxidant, neuroprotective and cardioprotective action. INOSITOL, also called vitamin B7, is an indispensable molecule for our well-being and is essential for: - the production of lecithin, the molecule that is active in the transport of lipids, fats, from the liver to the cells and that helps to reduce the fat content in the blood, thus protecting blood vessels; - Spermatogenesis, a lack of inositol causes poor maturation of spermatozoa; - control of the concentration in the blood and liver of cholesterol and triglycerides. BETAINE is a natural substance extracted from sugar beet. Currently, to lower the levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood, in order to decrease the cardiovascular risk, it intervenes on several fronts, associating: - FOLIC ACID - vitamin B12, - BETAINE - vitamin B6. NIACIN, also known as vitamin PP and vitamin B3, has been shown to be useful for reducing the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. VITAMIN A, also known as retinol, is one of the essential vitamins for health. The benefits on visual functions are perhaps the best known, since even in popular tradition it is usual to stress how vitamin A is a friend of sight. However, the micronutrient is also active in strengthening the skin, as a contrast to dryness. VITAMIN E is a source of wellness and health for the body at all ages. Essential molecule, must be taken from the outside through nutrition and some supplements. The benefits for the skin that derive from the use of products based on vitamin E are numerous: thanks to the antioxidant potential of this element, it is possible to slow down aging and protect yourself from damage caused by solar radiation. VITAMIN K is a very important element for human health, not only for development, but also for the good maintenance of the body's balance. The first feature associated with vitamin K (in its "K1 version") is to support blood coagulation.
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    Fish oil is a valuable source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially the Omega-3 EPA and DHA series, which contribute to normal cardiac function. The beneficial effect is obtained with the daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA.
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    PROPOLIS is able to exercise various actions. First of all it is one of the best natural antibacterials with both bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity: it prevents the multiplication of germs and kills them, and stimulates the immune processes. Defined as a "natural antibiotic", it also performs a valid action on many viruses, including influenza and parainfluenza viruses, some rhinoviruses and the virus responsible for herpes simplex: in particular, it inhibits its growth and slows its multiplication. THYME is a useful plant against asthma, colds and headaches, also used as a natural remedy for tired skin and oily hair. It is effective against urinary tract infections and inflammation of the respiratory system and is an excellent remedy for cough, asthma, bronchitis and cold for its balsamic and fluidifying properties.
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    VALERIAN is a plant known for its relaxing properties, widely used as it promotes sleep and helps fight anxiety. Perfect then in all cases where you want to get a little relaxation in a completely natural. LEMON BALMis a plant with excellent soothing and sedative properties, it is considered a real herb of relaxation, such as PASSIFLORA and Valerian. ESCOLZIA is used in sleep disorders, especially for insomnia over time. MELATONIN is a hormone produced by the body, very important for the management of some physiological functions. This hormone plays a decisive role in regulating the sleep-wake rhythm. In addition to facilitating rest, in fact, this substance helps you to sleep more quickly.