    • La crema è ideale per combattere la formazione dei brufoli e la loro proliferazione;
    • Antisettica, perciò aiuta la pelle a difendersi dalle infezioni batteriche tipiche delle zone pustolose e purulente;
    • Pulisce la pelle e favorisce i processi di riparazione;
    • Senza Parabeni, senza Nickel, senza Glutine, senza Allergeni, senza SLS e SLES;
    • Contiene - tra gli altri ingredienti - Acido Azelaico e Acido Mandelico.
    • Organic Face Mask that provides a regenerative and tightening anti age action;
    • After application, skin appears soft and smooth, and wrinkles and fine lines are visibly reduced;
    • Its exclusive strong, firming process of natural origin, guarantees and ensures an immediate effect and skin appears toned and smooth;
    • Produced entirely in Italy;
    • Paraben free, nickel free, gluten-free, allergen-free, without SLS and SLES;
      • Suitable for use on all skin types, young and mature skin;
      • Its slightly acidic PH content has a hydrating, nourishing and protective effect;
      • It contains Citric and Lactic acids which have antiseptic properties, and is especially suited to oily and acne prone skin;
      • Free from Parabens, Nickel and Gluten, it is hypoallergenic and contains no SLS and SLES;
      • Added Content- Citric acid and Collagen.
      • An ORGANIC  cream, rich in revitalizing and tightening properties. It protects the delicate under-eye area from premature ageing. It immediately tightens the under eye area, reducing  puffiness and illuminating the skin;
      • In just 3 weeks wrinkles are visibly reduced
      • Free from Parabens, Nickel and Gluten, it is hypoallergenic and contains no SLS and SLES;
      • Contents-Olive oil from a certified organic producer, SNAIL EXTRACT (MUCUS) and Centella.