    • Crema BIOLOGICA che combatte efficacemente i radicali liberi, grazie all'azione del Phytaluronate e della Vitamina E (presente nell'olio d'oliva);
    • L'azione dell'Aloe Vera permette di avere la pelle morbida, tonica e levigata;
    • Favorisce i processi riparativi dell'epidermide, proteggendo la pelle dal prematuro invecchiamento;
    • Senza Parabeni, senza Nickel, senza Glutine, senza Allergeni, senza SLS e SLES;
    • Contiene - tra gli altri ingredienti - Olio d'Oliva e Gel di Aloe Vera da agricoltura biologica certificata.
      • ORGANIC cream that contrasts liberal radicals due to its Phytaluronate and Vitamin E (olive oil) content;
      • Aloe Vera leaves the skin soft, smooth and compact;
      • It aids the regenerative process of the skin, and protects from premature ageing;
      • Free from Parabens, Nickel and Gluten, it is hypoallergenic and contains no SLS and SLES;
      • Content_Olive Oil and Aloe Vera Gel  from certified organic producers.
      • ORGANIC Anti-Brown Spot face serum, helps remove marks on the skin and creates a clearer skin tone and leaves skin more radiant and even;

      • With prolonged use, a visible reduction of brown spots occurs;

      • Suitable for sensitive skin;

      • Free from Parabens, Nickel  and  Gluten, hypoallergenic and no SLS and SLES;

      • Content-Witch Hazel Extract (from certified organic source) Mandelic Acid, Red Scale Extract and Curcuma.

  • Esaurito
    • Mandelic Acid eliminates dead skin cells favoring the formation of new ones and facilitates the absorption  of depigmentation substances;
    • Kojico Acid contrasts the production of new melanin and provides an effective action against the existing melanin;
    • The efficiency of this product is mostly due to the contribution of the active ingredients in Kojico Acid and Mandelic Acid that it contains, which is an important and safe way to positively treat the skin's dark spots;
    • Paraben Free- without Nickel, Gluten , no allergens, no SLS and SLES;