    • An ORGANIC oil that can be applied directly onto the skin or scalp to moisturise and soften without any greasiness.
    • It stimulates the production of collagen and fights liberal radicals. The oil can be applied  before shampooing to give shine and elasticity, while protecting from sun, chlorine and salty sea water, reinforcing the delicate hair shaft.
    • It can be used on the face and on nails and cuticles as an excellent restorative oil.
    • Paraben Free- without Nickel, Gluten , no allergens, no SLS and SLES.
    • Content-100% Pure Argan Oil from a certified organic producer.
    • Olio BIOLOGICO che può essere massaggiato direttamente sulla cute per idratarla ed ammorbidirla senza lasciare untuosità; stimola la produzione di collagene e combatte i radicali liberi;
    • Applicato prima dello shampoo dona ai capelli lucentezza ed elasticità e li protegge da sole, cloro e salsedine, rinforzando le fibre dei capelli fragili;
    • Se massaggiato su unghie e cuticole funge da ristrutturante;
    • Senza Parabeni, senza Nickel, senza Glutine, senza Allergeni, senza SLS e SLES;
    • Contiene Olio d' Argan 100% puro da agricoltura biologica certificata.
    • An ORGANIC Hand Cream with a moisturising, protective action. Non greasy formula.
    • Paraben Free- without Nickel, Gluten , no allergens, no SLS and SLES.
    • Content-Argan Oil, Aloe Vera Gel and  Olive Oil from a certified organic producer.
      • ORGANIC Anti-Brown Spot face serum, helps remove marks on the skin and creates a clearer skin tone and leaves skin more radiant and even;

      • With prolonged use, a visible reduction of brown spots occurs;

      • Suitable for sensitive skin;

      • Free from Parabens, Nickel  and  Gluten, hypoallergenic and no SLS and SLES;

      • Content-Witch Hazel Extract (from certified organic source) Mandelic Acid, Red Scale Extract and Curcuma.